Category “Ian Hutchinson”

I have gaps and a few other minor problems, how much would a brace cost for me?

October 27th, 2011

hi ian,

i am 27 years old and am considering having a brace fitted to straighten my front four top teeth its mainly needed to close gaps however the outside left of the four is slightly twisted, facing inwards, and the middle two are ever so slightly sticking out, and would need bringing back. i know its difficult to give an estimate without seeing them but, i was hoping you could give me a rough idea of the sort of price it might cost me.

many thanks.

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

What effects does a brace have on your facial features?

October 27th, 2011

hi, Dr Hutchinson can you please tell me the effects that a brace has on the patients face please? this may sound weird indeed I know but still. I have had my braces of for about a week now and people have mentioned that I look a bit gaunt? I have always been really slim- never properly skinny but my face has always been really defined so to speak, now though- and I have noticed it myself but hadn’t paid it too much attention as I was happy to have my brace off but my face does seem slimmer? it might not be anything to do with the braces but I have never changed my diet and after checking it seems I haven’t lost any weight, so it lead me to believe it was down to this,? could you potentially shed some light on the situation please. tah

…by the way I cannot leave my teeth alone!

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

What braces move your jaw, and do they hurt?

October 27th, 2011

What type of brace would you need for Moving your jaw my dentist said I need braces for moving my jaw slightly to the side and in front I thought it would be train traces but I am not sure and does the mould her when they are moulding your mouth does it hurt when they put them on will I get to choose the colours I would be gratefully if you could answer all these questions please my friend has them and she said it hurts when you put them on I was wondering if you could answer these questions thank you

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Can a brace save my under-bite and in doing so reduce wrinkles around my mouth?

October 19th, 2011

I need to have a brace to sort out a slight under bite. that’s the end of the problems as you will see in a minute but for now will any brace sort out an under bite or will it fix it at all? I see how it would fix an over bite as it pulls all the teeth in but how could it then push all the teeth back out? If a brace can fix this what kind of brace would be needed would it have to be a traditional fixed brace or can I have any of the more aesthetically pleasing ones? then we get to the next bit. I have wrinkles in my cheeks near my mouth and suspect they are there because my underbite is not supporting my face. I was hoping whether you could confirm whether this can happen and if a brace will get rid of them (if my teeth are sorted), if not whatsurgery can I have in and around the mouth to get rid of them? thank you doctor

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

What is the difference between Invisalign, Invisalign lite, clearstep and simpli5?

October 12th, 2011

good day Dr, I have a slight overcrowded set of front lower teeth 5 in total I believe. I have been informed of invisalign and have looked at it since. the idea of such treatment appeals to me as I dont then heave to wear a brace and can take it out in order to enjoy the finer things in life. since looking at this technique I decided, ye, i definitely want this before noticing both simpli5, invisalign lite and clearstep. I wanted to know if these did anything anything differently? I only have a minor overlap its nothing crazy that why this technique appealed so much to me. could you show me the differences between these please because if they’re just different providers they surely cannot be producing the same product? cheers

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Are Damon braces suitable for closing gapped teeth?

October 12th, 2011

How long approximately would it take for a traditional fixed brace to close gapped teeth/ is this quicker than treating crooked teeth if not im am considering having a more advanced correction system but if so I am quite happy to go ahead on the basis that, correct me if im wrong, it takes braces approximately two years to straighten teeth. does this mean then that traditional braces are the slowest? what alternative would be nearly as slow but better cosmetically would it just be Damons (they look almost the same but smaller) or would it just be a case of getting tooth coloured ones? Im just thinking that linguals will be to much and being as I have gaps you would still see the wire behind the teeth.

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Which mouthwash is best to use with fixed braces or should I just stop using it?

October 7th, 2011

I have a full rack of traintracks but in terms of cleaning I have been told that mouthwash will kill all the bacteria in my mouth including good bacterial and that doing so will actually aid bad bacteria’s growth as there will be nothing to stop it? I can see how that could be true, but is it really? the thing is I want to know how to clean my teeth as effectively as I can, thats why I started using mouthwash on the basis that it can get everywhere where i cant. If this is the case is it the case with all mouthwash’s’.
before all this I was recommeded by my dentist to corsodyl mouthwash (with chlorhexidine) but my secondary concern about this is that apparently it can thin teeth when used alone ie. not after washing- even though the bottle says leave 30 mins at least until using after brushing? should i just stay away from mouthwash or is it actually ok?

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Am I too old for corrective treatment?

September 28th, 2011

am i to old for braces? im currently 60 years young and have just retired, i now have all the time in the world and a small stash to get by on, im happy to commit the next two or three years to sorting my teeth out if it means having the rest of my days with straight teeth. my gums and teeth are all there, all mine and in good condition they just have a slight overlap on both the top and bottom. what would be the best brace to sort this out or is there one inparticularly? which for example would be the quickest and which would provide the best looks or again would they achieve the same thing? that way i can compare?

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

I asked for braces then changed my mind after seeing the procedure. Can I change my mind again an have them?

September 27th, 2011

Hi last year I asked to have braces to sort my teeth out but then after being told about all the pain the procedure will involve and all the injections I would need to have I said no. However now I have had the chance to think about it I have now decided I definitely want braces as I hate my teeth and feel they definitely/finally need sorting out, so you think, If I go and ask I’ll still be able to the have braces fitted. The orthodontist said I was on the borderline of needing them before but I really don’t like my teeth as to me they’re very crooked and I have an overbite which I cannot stand any longer. Thank you,

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

What exactly can a brace do in terms of pulling power and which is best?

September 27th, 2011

ive had issues with my teeth for a while now but i dont know if i need a brace? I am well aware that its hard for you to diagnose without seeing me but I have an uneven gum line and some of my teeth protrude. basically, without seeing me can braces help rescue an uneven gumline if the average displacement of the teeth is not to great ? and can braces help in terms of pulling teeth in more than one direction at once because where some have protruded they have overlapped (only slightly- worth mentioning) could a brace pull sideways, then back/forwards etc? would i be a candidate for a brace or would i need surgery? if possible so you think you could recommend a particular brace (if money was not considered at this point) for this case if possible (might be better/more accurate to rule out options that wont sort out gum line etc.) thanks for your time

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson