Posts tagged “elongated face”

What effects does a brace have on your facial features?

October 27th, 2011

hi, Dr Hutchinson can you please tell me the effects that a brace has on the patients face please? this may sound weird indeed I know but still. I have had my braces of for about a week now and people have mentioned that I look a bit gaunt? I have always been really slim- never properly skinny but my face has always been really defined so to speak, now though- and I have noticed it myself but hadn’t paid it too much attention as I was happy to have my brace off but my face does seem slimmer? it might not be anything to do with the braces but I have never changed my diet and after checking it seems I haven’t lost any weight, so it lead me to believe it was down to this,? could you potentially shed some light on the situation please. tah

…by the way I cannot leave my teeth alone!

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

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