How do i sort out my gappy and uneven teeth?

August 31st, 2011

Hello, i just want some advice on what I need for my teeth. My first problem is that my left front tooth is much higher up that my right front tooth. How can i get my two front teeth the same? Also i have a gap literally between every tooth. Also my teeth arent the same size . And when i bit my teeth together and i stick my tounge out, my tounge can actually come through the gap , ad s the top and bottom row dont meet. Any advice? i get very self-consious about my smile.

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

How do I stop my braces giving me ulcers?

August 30th, 2011

Hello Dr.Tif, I really hope that you can help me, constantly for two months my braces have given me serious mouth ulcers and they are really annoying me, I av had them on for two months and I got told that I’d stop getting them after a one or two weeks. Also what can I do to get my braces off quicker, if anything? Looking and my teeth they dont look any different and don’t look like they have moved either

dr tif qureshi

Tif Qureshi

178 Blackfen Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA15 8PT
Web: Tel: 0208 850 8820

View My Profile Tif Qureshi

Please can I have some advice on braces?

August 30th, 2011

Hello! Iav got loads of questions about braces and I regularly check this website for answers and help. Now I have a question, I have a gap in my upper front teeth, it’s a little gap not too big but still there and I know about it. And my bottom teeth are fine apart from i have one tooth slightly set back behind the others. Will I need braces for top and bottom? What type of braces should I get? fixed, damon, invisalign?
thanks for and advice you can give me

dr raha sepehrara

Raha Sepehrara

27 Park Road, Loughborough, LE11 2ED
Web: Tel: 01509 231144

View My Profile Raha Sephrara

What colour bands are best for my new braces?

August 30th, 2011

Hello, Iam planning on getting braces rather soon as in the next few weeks and really have no idea on what colour to get them, you know the bands that go around each bracket. I want to get a colour that isn’t very noticeable, that everyone wont stare at. Iam a medium brown indian colour with black hair and brown eyes, what colour would you suggest as a few people said that the white bands stain, thanks

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

What is the youngest age that you can get braces?

August 30th, 2011

Hi adam my daughters 10 and got crooked teeth, whats the best type of braces for her? also whats the youngest that you can have braces as i dont really want her starting secondary school with braces/ crooked teeth as i was bullied for it when i was younger. I’av already asked our dentist but he doesn’t seem in any rush to help. we live in york and i am more than willing to pay, thank you for any tips that you could give me

dr adam thorne

Adam Thorne

52 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PR
Web: Tel: 020 7636 5981

View My Profile Adam Thorne

I am getting bullied, can I get NHS braces?

August 30th, 2011

Please can you help me? Iam 13 and really need some help. Iam getting bullied at school because i have really bad buck teeth and all my teeth are crooked. would braces be able to fix this for me? Would I get the braces on the NHS, if not how much would it cost? how would i go about doing this? It’s got to the stage when i feel like i cant even smile and when i laugh I have to cover my mouth. I really hope that you can help me thanks

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

What can you do to fix my ugly teeth?

August 30th, 2011

I am 22 yrs old with an problem that iam trying to get fixed. I have something called a snaggletooth on my left side, that is the only thing wrong with my smile, otherwise Id say it was perfect, however it’s affecting my career( I’am a model, therefore everything has to be perfect) . I am wondering if this can be fixed without having to have ugly fixed braces fitted? i would be so ever grateful if you can find a solution to this problem i have. Thank you!!

dr adam thorne

Adam Thorne

52 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PR
Web: Tel: 020 7636 5981

View My Profile Adam Thorne

What’s better for me – fixed or removable braces?

August 24th, 2011

Hi, Iam hoping that you can help, Iam 23years old and only recently decided to have my open bite corrected. gone to different dentists but they all differ in recommendations…some say temporary braces(retainers?)will work for me…others say permanent ones are better. i also subconsciously thrust/suck my tongue. think that is what caused my teeth to grow that way. what option should i go for? And will a habit breaker at my age help me stop the tongue thrusting?

dr tif qureshi

Tif Qureshi

178 Blackfen Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA15 8PT
Web: Tel: 0208 850 8820

View My Profile Tif Qureshi

Why are my teeth crooked if both my parents’ are straight?

August 23rd, 2011

doc, i want to have a good smile so much but I have got bad teeth. I sometimes wonder why i had bad teeth formation because both my parents have nice straight teeth. I want to have the same nice straight teeth and would want to know how much it cost and where exactly a good dentist who will give me a good smile. One more thing, I am just wondering are there some foods which cause this or do teeth just go crooked by themselves. I get so annoyed and upset when i can’t laugh or even sing in church without covering my mouth up. i really really need help

Darsh Patel 8 Central Parade, St Mark's Hill, Surbiton, KT6 4PJ Web: Tel: 020 8399 6333

What can I do to make my overgrown gums recede?

August 23rd, 2011

I have had braces for a year, even though i brush my teeth I haven’t flossed enough as i found it difficult. My gums have become compressed and protrude between my teeth. and now, when I do floss assiduously I cannot seem to make them recede. when my braces are taken off in a half year or so, they will look rather foolish, and Im wondering what I can do to repair the situation? I have no doubt you understand what Im talking about, as my doctor said this is a common occurence.

Darsh Patel 8 Central Parade, St Mark's Hill, Surbiton, KT6 4PJ Web: Tel: 020 8399 6333