Posts tagged “NHS”

Would I be better going to a private clinic or an NHS dentist for a brace?

November 8th, 2011

Hi there Dr Hutchinson I have used this site and been on your personal site through this several times. I previously asked you a question about another issue I had with braces and found your information very helpful …so I’m back, hope you don’t mind 😀 I am twenty-one and my HC1 certificate has just expired but I don’t think this would’ve actually helped me in terms of paying/not paying for braces anyway. Naturally like a tool I now decide to have braces- but purely because this is the best time for me to do so, I have been thinking though would it be better to have braces fitted at a NHS dentist regardless of the fact that I will have to pay or better to go to a private clinic to receive treatment? would there be much difference in terms of quality of the final outcome treatments involved and the cost of having the treatment done in the first place? what would you recommend and what would you look at in terms of clinics when trying to choose one? thanks

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

I am scared of getting braces put on, help?

September 5th, 2011

Hi, Iam 13 and going to be getting fixed braces on the NHS and Iam really scared. THe dentist hasn’t probably explained the procedure to me so it’s left me scare. will needles be involved because iam really scared of them? how long will it take to get then put on and can i be asleep durning the procedure? and how much pain will i be in afterwards? Also do you know how long i am going to need to keep them on for? thanks

dr adam thorne

Adam Thorne

52 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PR
Web: Tel: 020 7636 5981

View My Profile Adam Thorne

I am getting bullied, can I get NHS braces?

August 30th, 2011

Please can you help me? Iam 13 and really need some help. Iam getting bullied at school because i have really bad buck teeth and all my teeth are crooked. would braces be able to fix this for me? Would I get the braces on the NHS, if not how much would it cost? how would i go about doing this? It’s got to the stage when i feel like i cant even smile and when i laugh I have to cover my mouth. I really hope that you can help me thanks

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

I am getting a TPA fitted, what braces can I get?

August 12th, 2011


I’m getting braces on the 14th September in Guy’s Hospital. I’m going to have 4 teeth extracted after having my TPA fitted.

I’ve been seen in the orthodontic department in Guy’s Hospital.

My Questions:

I was wondering whether or not I’d be able to find out about the different kinds of braces there are.

Also, which braces would i be able to get under the NHS?

How long do teenagers have a TPA for?

What do you think of my treatment plan?

How long do people have braces for?

Do I have to get traintrack braces, are there any other options?

Darsh Patel 8 Central Parade, St Mark's Hill, Surbiton, KT6 4PJ Web: Tel: 020 8399 6333

Am I suitable for free braces?

August 12th, 2011

iam 13 if i just went to an orthodontist and asked for braces would they be free or do i have to be refrenced first….. also how long do braces take from the first oppoint ment to achually get them fitted. one of my front teeth stick out, i have a big gap between my teeth and the tooth which sticks out is higher than my other front tooth also i have a big over bit of just under a centimeter… would i definately be able to get braes

Darsh Patel 8 Central Parade, St Mark's Hill, Surbiton, KT6 4PJ Web: Tel: 020 8399 6333

Would it be possible for me to get lingual braces on NHS?

August 10th, 2011


I’m 15 and my orthodontist is planning on fitting me with braces. The problem with my teeth is that on my top row, I have 1 baby tooth remaining (due for extraction) without an adult tooth above it ready. He is planning on closing the gap left by this tooth and some other minor gaps, and sorting out the overcrowding on my bottom teeth which cause me discomfort. However I’m really uncomfortable about having fixed braces and I don’t know if he will allow me to have lingual braces fitted on the NHS (I can’t pay for private). I don’t know how I should go about asking for them, I don’t even know if it’s possible to have them. I just really don’t like the idea of visible fixed braces, especially for my 16th, prom, and probably 17th and 18th as well.

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Which braces are best for my teeth?

August 1st, 2011

Hi,I am concerned that I need braces,as I am going to university this September,and would really like them to be discreet and as unnoticeable as possible. I have looked into things such as lingual braces and Invisalign,and was wondering what your professional opinion of these treatment methods is. Price is definitely a factor,as I am only covered by the NHS up until the age of 19,and the severity of my problem is ,I doubt high enough to warrant any NHS treatment. My problem with my teeth is that my two front teeth (upper)are being pushed back by the ones adjacent to them,possibly due to overcrowding. The lower teeth are all straight,and do not bother me at all.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Can I get braces on the NHS at 21?

August 1st, 2011

I’m 21, and I have crooked teeth. My top teeth overlap my bottom teeth, and some are damaged as I can’t brush properly, as some teeth are twisted over others. My dentist said my case was moderate, and that she wasn’t sure whether I would qualify for braces on the NHS. As time goes on, my teeth are just getting more damaged, its becoming uncomfortable eating certain foods and my confidence is in pieces. I’m on benefits at the minute,and I can’t afford expensive treatments. I would happily settle for plain old train tracks for 3 years.Is there any way I can get my teeth sorted out?
Thank you

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Whats the cheapest I can get braces for?

July 29th, 2011


I am 30 and finally in a position where I can afford to have my teeth fixed. I do not qualify for NHS treatment as it is cosmetic reasons, with crowding on my bottom jaw and large gaps due to missing teeth on my top jaw.

I am going to get several quotes over the next month, but don’t want to get ripped off.

As a ball park figure, what would be the cheapest cost I could get for braces on both upper and lower teeth to fix this. I appreciate that any crowns/bridges etc may be an extra cost on top of this.

I am worried about the result and cost, but am not worried what the braces look like while on as long as they work.


Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Can I get invisible braces on the NHS?

July 26th, 2011

Hey, My teeth are a little gappy and Iav just been told off my dentist that I need to have braces, but I dont really think that my teeth are that band and I really don’t want huge metal ones that are really visible since iam only 14 and dont want to grow up wearing a massive metal brace, is there any others that I can have a invisible brace on the NHS? if not what would they cost to go private? Thanks

dr adam thorne

Adam Thorne

52 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PR
Web: Tel: 020 7636 5981

View My Profile Adam Thorne