Archives for May, 2012

I have a few issues with my teeth, am I still able to have a brace fitted?

May 10th, 2012

Hi Darsh.
My question is about whether or not I actually can have braces. I had overcrowding problems as a teenager, and after examining my teeth I can see that the dentist has extracted my lower left first premolar and my lower right lateral incisor. Therefore, my bottom teeth aren’t symmetrical. I also have two wisdom teeth that have impacted at an awkward angle. I’m not concerned about my lower teeth, I’m looking to have my upper teeth corrected. My upper teeth are symmetrical but not straight. Before I book a consultation, do these previous extractions on my lower teeth disqualify me for orthodontic treatment or make it more difficult/expensive? Thank you.

Darsh Patel 8 Central Parade, St Mark's Hill, Surbiton, KT6 4PJ Web: Tel: 020 8399 6333

I have wide spaces in both upper and lower jaw and overjet of 10mm, which treatment option would be best Inman Aligner or Six Month Smile?

May 3rd, 2012

Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me? I have wide spaces in both upper and lower jaw. My front teeth is also inclined with overjet of about 10mm. I will like to fix the overjet but will like options that will be effective but wont tak long. kindly advise me on the possibility of using Inman Aligner or six month smile to correct the overjet and any treatment options. kindly also give me a rough estimate of the cost involved.
i can send my panoral x ray and a video clip of my condition through email. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Darsh Patel 8 Central Parade, St Mark's Hill, Surbiton, KT6 4PJ Web: Tel: 020 8399 6333

My son has an overbite, his teeth cut into his gum, but he doesn’t qualify for a brace, how can this be rectified?

May 3rd, 2012

My son is nearly 13 and has an overbite. He says that his teeth cut into his gums when his mouth is closed and causes a lot of pain at times. His teeth are not too crooked so he would not qaulify for braces. How can this be rectified, can it be done free on the nhs? Can I get insurance anywhere to cover this kind of work for a child? I thought that treatment was free for children on the NHS? Is this not the case? We live in Harrow, are there any orthodentists near me that you can recommend?

Darsh Patel 8 Central Parade, St Mark's Hill, Surbiton, KT6 4PJ Web: Tel: 020 8399 6333