Posts tagged “damon braces”

Braces to sort out overbite and overjet – which would you recommend?

September 28th, 2011

ive looked at many options and am very interested in getting braces and would like to know what the quickest way to sort out quite a large overbite as well as very protruding front teeth please  🙁 i am 35 years old now and my teeth are not in the best condition ie bad gums etc i am longing for perfect teeth as hate having my photo taken due to my front teeth sticking out especially a side profile, Would like the quickest and cheapest way for this problem to be corrected so i can smile again,

dr raha sepehrara

Raha Sepehrara

27 Park Road, Loughborough, LE11 2ED
Web: Tel: 01509 231144

View My Profile Raha Sephrara

What exactly can a brace do in terms of pulling power and which is best?

September 27th, 2011

ive had issues with my teeth for a while now but i dont know if i need a brace? I am well aware that its hard for you to diagnose without seeing me but I have an uneven gum line and some of my teeth protrude. basically, without seeing me can braces help rescue an uneven gumline if the average displacement of the teeth is not to great ? and can braces help in terms of pulling teeth in more than one direction at once because where some have protruded they have overlapped (only slightly- worth mentioning) could a brace pull sideways, then back/forwards etc? would i be a candidate for a brace or would i need surgery? if possible so you think you could recommend a particular brace (if money was not considered at this point) for this case if possible (might be better/more accurate to rule out options that wont sort out gum line etc.) thanks for your time

Dr Ian Hutchinson

Ian Hutchinson

Beaufort Park Way, Chepstow, NP16 5UH
Web: Tel: 01291 624534

View My Profile Ian Hutchinson

Can braces fix my overcrowding problem?

July 20th, 2011

Dear Raha Sepehrara,
please could you give me a little bit of advice? I had a brace as a child, but after my ‘train tracks’ were removed i never wore my retainer. this was fine for years until i hit my mid-twenties and my wisdom teeth all came through, now i feel my mouth is extremely overcrowd and iam not sure what to do. Iam no long registered with a NHS dentist therefore treatment will have to come out of my own pocket. please advice me on the cheapest treatment for this

dr raha sepehrara

Raha Sepehrara

27 Park Road, Loughborough, LE11 2ED
Web: Tel: 01509 231144

View My Profile Raha Sephrara